Five minutes silence in memory of the victims of yesterdays terrorist attacks in Catalonia

Five minutes silence in memory of the victims of yesterdays terrorist attacks in Catalonia

The city of Alicante has kept this morning five minutes of silence in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack perpetrated yesterday in the Ramblas of Barcelona and later in Cambrils (Tarragona).

The Town Hall Square welcomed the event in memory of the victims present, amongst others, the mayor of Alicante, the socialist leader Gabriel Echávarri; The spokesman for the tripartite, Natxo Bellido, as well as representatives of all political groups.

"We are all the municipal groups united here to show our strongest condemnation and repulsion to the attacks committed, to show our solidarity with all the people of Barcelona and with the visitors, our full support for family and friends," Echávarri said. Public intervention in which he has been surrounded by members of all municipal groups. In turn, the mayor recalled that "Spain is a country that has a lot of pain due to terrorism and we have always been generally up to it, so it would not be less when international terrorism now hits Spain." Echávarri concluded with a direct message: "Terror can never defeat democracy."

The five minutes of silence in Alicante, which have also joined dozens of citizens, have ended with a sense of applause. The four official flags placed on the balconies of the Town Hall, meanwhile, flutter at half-mast after the government declared three days of official mourning. In the national flag has included a black crepe.

The province sympathizes with the victims

Silence by the people this morning in the main squares of the cities of Alicante. Elche, Torrevieja, Elda, Monóvar, Novelda, Alcoy and Benidorm demonstrated their rejection of terrorism .



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