The Moros and Cristianos festival in Guardamar is just around the corner!
The patron saint's festival of Moors and Christians in honour of Sant Jaume is held in the second fortnight of July. It is the town's main festival. It begins with the representation of the legend of L'Encantà, where the Lady of Guardamar is proclaimed and crowned. In the act, the ancient story of a young girl who, after having suffered an enchantment, can only be freed by the arms of a brave warrior, who must first win her in a battle against evil forces and bathe her feet in the waters of the Segura river, is staged.
Another act of great interest, which recalls a historical passage, is the representation of the Pact of Tudmir. The signing of the treaty by which, on 5th April 713, the Visigoth nobleman Teodomiro ceded the territories where Guardamar is located to the Muslims of Abd-al Azid ibn Muzá is staged.
The embassies and the parades of the Moorish and Christian sides are, without doubt, the most spectacular moments of the festival, in which the history of the medieval Catalan reconquest is relived. During the festivities we can dance in the Barraca Popular and in the barracks and kábilas of the different comparsas.
On 25th July, the solemn procession takes place in honour of the patron saint Sant Jaume, accompanied by the Authorities, the Festivities Commission, the Lady of Guardamar and her companions, Captains, Associations and festival-goers in general.
The fire, the Correfocs, the aquatic fireworks display, the Mascletà and the music are the protagonists of this very Valencian festival.
Find below the link (in Spanish, English and French) where you can find out when and where the concerts, parades, markets and all the activities are!