Spain enters top ten happiest and most sustainable countries in the world

Spain enters top ten happiest and most sustainable countries in the world

Spain has secured a coveted spot among the happiest and most sustainable countries in the world, according to the recently released Happy Planet Index (HPI) 2024. The index, compiled by the Berlin-based think tank Hot or Cool Institute, ranks Spain tied for seventh alongside Denmark.

The HPI takes a unique approach to national well-being, measuring how effectively countries provide for their citizens' health and happiness while minimising their environmental impact. It analyses 147 countries based on three key factors: life expectancy, self-reported well-being, and carbon footprint.

While no nation achieved a perfect score across all three categories, several came close. Vanuatu, a South Pacific Island nation, takes the top spot with an impressive 57.9 points. Interestingly, the report reveals a disconnect between high GDP and sustainable well-being. Six out of ten countries with the highest GDP per capita score below the HPI average. This highlights the limitations of GDP as a sole indicator of national success, suggesting greater emphasis needs to be placed on social and environmental well-being for long-term stability.

Spain's placement in the HPI's top ten is a testament to its efforts in creating a healthy and content society while minimising its environmental footprint. This achievement serves as an inspiration for other nations to prioritise sustainable development strategies that don't compromise human well-being.

Credits: Euro Weekly News - Link



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