Monday 2nd May Caballos Del Vino Fiesta Caravaca de la Cruz

Monday 2nd May Caballos Del Vino Fiesta Caravaca de la Cruz

The Wine Horses Fiesta, is a celebration that takes place in Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia) Spain. On the morning of May 2, the eve of the Feast of the Cross. The Fiesta begins before dawn with the ceremonial washing and harnessing of some 60 horses each is then dressed in spectacular embroidered silk and gold livery. At 09.00 hrs Christians, Moors and Horses attend Mass. a Following which at 09.40 hrs. they process to the Basilica-Santuario de la Vera Cruz where the wine is blessed and the festival is dedicated to the Patron Saint of the city. At about 10.00 hrs The streets are filled with a spectacular parade of the horses finishing in the Templete. 14.00hrs brings the running of the wine horses each one racing in spectacular fashion from the town up to the Basilica.The event culminates with a mock battle on the Cuesta del Castillo (The castle hill ).The Festival of the Wine Horses is a unique, lively, colourful an impassioned celebration". Today the fiesta of the Horses of Wine is of international interest and candidate to become Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Every year the city receives over 200,000 visitors from around the world who come to enjoy this spectacular ceremony.



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